Monday, February 1, 2010


Chords of life have tangled, twisted,
Hate contorting lovely golden strands.
Anger is useless--release the
Oppressive restriction of modern Life.
Supressing the nature to care destroys us.


Get Me Out of Here; Acrostic::Despair
Desperate, despondant,
Ever seeking,
Searching for the
Poorly constructed Wall that hides the
Acute, terrifying inability to hold
Imminant tears, welling up in my
Resistant, war-torn eyes.


Plucking Flower Petals; Acrostic::Anticipation
A lovely, warm,
Nervous feeling in the
Tips of my fingers and toes,
Isolating the most
Curiously vulnerable parts
In my typically independant, not-so-
Patient nature. It isn't just
Another wishful dream.
This time, you're real, and
I'm real, and
Only the clinging insecurity threatens the
Nerves I once had so carefully wrapped in iron...


My Mother Calls Me Crazy; Acrostic::Mosh Pit
Many bodies, mingling
Swimming together with their own
Heavy, thrashing strokes. The delicious
Pain and smell of sweat lingers
In the air after
The final riff echoes.

1 comment:

  1. Nice...I've always been a fan of acrostics poems. These are well done.
